Berlinale, Cannes, TIFF, Gothenburg

Be the actor who creates casting opportunities at A-list festivals.

In the four separate programs on Berlinale, Cannes, TIFF, and Gothenburg actors learn how to navigate A-list festivals using my pre-booking method!

Discover how the back end of festivals works, how to use different databases associated with festivals, how to uplevel your IMDB, create resumés according to the standards of different countries, craft effective communication with directors, producers, and agents, so you actually book 1:1 meetings in person and navigate festivals with a clear personalized strategy - before the festival even starts. The programs are a game changer for actors who want to fulfill specific goals and fully comprehend how A-list festivals can propel their career forward!

Curious? Click on the button below!


How much does it cost?

Price and payment plan will be revealed at our upcoming webinars.

Connect with us through the button above to get the latest details.

Is this in person or online?


How long is it?

Format: 90 minutes for 10 sessions

How do I know if I qualify?

Have you been in 2 short films, in a supporting or leading role in one feature or TV series? Then you are qualified to join!

Do I need to be a multi-hyphenate actor?

You can be an actor-writer, actor-director, actor-producer, etc. but it is not a requirement to participate.

This all sounds amazing, where do I sign up?

Fantastic! I can’t wait to work with you! Click the link above.